Pakistan is a nation divided into many races, castes, creeds and classes. Yet, whenever a calamity hits the country, we become united in our empathy.
The devastating earthquake which hit the northern parts of the county in 2005 is one of the examples of this humanitarian support.
Now that the country is facing one of its worst floods ever, the spirit of volunteerism is once again direly needed.
For this purpose, relief camps have been established at every nook and corner of the capital for collecting goods to help flood victims. However, the transparency of many of these camps leaves a question mark.
Mobashir Rabbani, a philanthropist, told the Express Tribune that contributions were not as large scale this time around. “After the 2005 earthquake, people have lost trust in making contributions through non-governmental organisations,”
The Express Tribune found a number websites asking for donations that had copied posters from international organisations and superimposed their own logos. These groups had a large number of visitors and were being shared on social networking sites like Facebook. People have questioned the authenticity of such groups who seemed to disregard copyright laws. Mansoor Ahmed, Director Municipal Administration (DMA), Capital Development Authority (CDA) said that a number of organisations were functioning without NOCs and this would be monitored and stopped.
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