Monday, December 5, 2011

NATO & The New World Order: I wonder what seems to be a joke here. After watching all the picture around the world you still seem to ignore the fact that the nato is driven by the evil forces and also supported by the western media(watched by the most of the world). Whats wrong with you all? Don't you see millions have died? China is doing exactly what it suppose to do. Pakistan has done enough in this war. Is this a joke to u that Pakistan has lost 70 billion dollors and 46000 people died? (money given to Pakistan by US is nothing compared to what Pakistan has lost)Did anyone of you ever ever said that Palestine should be given their occupied lands back or Kashmir should be freed so that all the situation about freedom fighters (aka terrorists)will be solved. and yeah dont forget the US and indian funded extremists, who are used in Pakistan and China. Its now getting lot clear how these nato forces are taking all the resources of our lands and shaping a new world order.

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