Saturday, April 12, 2008

Iraq today: Fears & tears

Iraq: Children ensnared into drugs and prostitution

Violence in Iraq has turned into an obvious nightmare for the native children. Majority of them have lost their parents and shelter. They have no place to go and so have taken refuge in the streets where, they can easily gall prey to gangs involved in drugs, violence and prostitution.
As the children are unable to cope up with the situation and majority of them plunges into the phase of depression consequent upon which, they turn to drugs, including sniffing glue or vapors from liquids such as paint, which have large amounts of intoxicants.
And when these children are not able to obtain money for their addiction, they tend to join some criminal gangs because the
money they get from begging is not enough for them to eat and consume their drugs.
In addition, there are some gangs, which offer them drugs in lieu of sexual favors.
Several NGOs are working to support street children psychologically. There are also projects to return street children to their families. However, lack of funds and the increasing insecurity aid workers face have left many of these projects unimplemented.

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