Wednesday, August 29, 2012

10 Reasons why GOD HATES INDIA!

India is a huge country with 1.18 billion people who never ever accomplished anything of significance. Spending most of their days having sex with cows, their productivity is the lowest on the planet. India gets a lot of warnings from God, like the recent 7.5-magnitude quake, but they continue to live in total ignorance. They will almost all go to Hell where they will be boring Satan for all eternity.

Leviticus 18:23 "Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith ..."
  1. The average IQ of people in India is around 81. Weirdly enough they do not realize this and they think they are much smarter than the rest of the world. This causes countless incidents in which Indians embarrass themselves to the rest of the world without even realizing this. Romans 1:21 "... their foolish heart was darkened ..."
  2. The Indian education system is the very worst on the planet. If you enroll, you get your diploma. Most Indian "engineers" are not even able to read, write or speak proper English. Even the French speak better English than "educated" Indians. Matthew 5:22 "... Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire."
  3. People from India will always agree with you, no matter what. If you ask them if they will finish a job on time, they will always say yes, not to insult you with something silly like the truth. The end result of this is that nothing gets finished, ever. Proverbs 6:16-19 "... the LORD hate ... a lying tongue ..."
  4. Somehow Indians convinced themselves that wearing gay clothing and shaking your behind a lot is entertaining. They call this Bollywood. This Hollywood wannabe silly excuse for entertainment is only entertaining in India, the rest of the world completely ignores it. 1 Timothy 2:9 "... not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array"
  5. Indians are the only people in the world who consider Ghandi to be a peaceful person. The rest of the world knows he was a weak little sadists who liked nothing more than beating his fragile wife silly with his walking stick. Ephesians 5:28-29 "... ought men to love their wives ..."
  6. Indians consider a hole in the ground to be proper sanitary facilities. Unsurprisingly, there is not a single person in India who does not have dysentery! Malachi 2:3 "... spread dung upon your faces ..."
  7. Another sanitary disaster is that Indians just throw their dead into the Ganges river. The bodies then get eaten by a very large turtle population. Just never eat turtle soup when you are in India! Genesis 23:19 "... Abraham buried Sarah ..."
  8. The Indians invented honor killings! Just looking at some girls behind, which is impossible to prevent in Bollywood India anyway, is enough to get yourself killed. Don't forget to wear sunglasses when in India and never take photographs! Exodus 20:13 "Thou shalt not kill."
  9. It is well known fact that Indians love animals more than they love people. Only in India can drunken (!) elephants rampage and kill. Leviticus 18:23 "... with any beast ..."
  10. Since corrupt Indian cops are very cheap to bribe, India effectively has no traffic violations. You can kill as many people as you like with your car without ever getting into serious trouble! Not that the Indian babus bureaucrats would ever notice someone died anyway. 2nd Corinthians 10:3-5 "... we do not war after the flesh ..."
All people of India need to repent and accept Jesus Christ as their savior! Until then, they will suffer and will burn in Hell along with other God-mocking countries like Iceland, Sweden, Holland, New Zealand, Australia, Ireland, Denmark, The Faroe Islands, The Netherlands, England, Scotland, Germany, France, Italy, Hungary, Russia, China, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Spain, Portugal, Norway, Ukraine, Romania, Croatia, Serbia, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Somalia, Sudan, South Africa, Vietnam, Cambodia, Guatemala, Algeria, Egypt, Saudia Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Qatar, etc.

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