Sunday, May 11, 2008

Views: Power factor

'Power factor' in International Relations as emphasized by realist theorists have failed in coping with new brand of Islamic militancy. Non-sovereign entities like the Muslim radicals are checking the power of the US-led allies in another way through ambush attacks and suicide missions as noted in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Lebanon and elsewhere in the world.

Infact, they are checking the ongoing international system and the 'status quo' which protects the interests of the most powerful countries at the expense of the weak states. Situation is becoming very critical day by day. There is already low intensity conflict and cold war between the Muslims and Western Christians. If such a practice of 'power' continues by both the state and non-state actors, present drastic events of the 'different war' may culminate into clash of civilizations or World War 111. We must realize that mow the days of Machiavelli, Hobbes and Morgenthau are over in an era of peaceful settlement of disputes and economic development in a rapidly changing world. The right hour has come to prevent any greater war especially between the Muslim and Christian worlds.

So efforts must be made by the intellectuals and media of the two major communities including Israel to follow a peace based upon idealism, not realism. This is the right hour to save the world peace though compromise- adjustment of interests of both the big and small states alike in a manner by wihich the same could be reconciled peacefully, otherwise global security as maintained through power factor in sense of realism would be at a greater risk.

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