Saturday, October 2, 2010

Media watch
A 'Patriot' returns

websites, hand-picked by The Express Tribune web staff.

Musharraf enters political arena

Musharraf told scores of cheering supporters that the best way to deal with Pakistan’s political and economic troubles is to bring his party to power. He said there is a need to “bring all patriotic people under one flag – that flag should be the All Pakistan Muslim League”. (

Musharraf on the comeback trail

Musharraf’s half-baked effort to return to power by forming his own political party has relevance only in the light of certain recent events and statements. First, Altaf Hussain’s bizarre exhortation to “patriotic generals to take martial law-like steps” to intervene. Next, the New York Times has reported on the recent meeting between the army chief, the prime minister and the president, suggesting strongly that the message given by Kayani to his nominal political masters is that they had better get their act together. Irfan Husain (

Three ex-Army generals found guilty of Rs 25 bn scam

A nine-year-old Rs 25 billion scam of the Musharraf regime has returned to haunt his three favourite ex-Army Generals, who administered the Pakistan Railways in 2001, former ISI chief Javed Ashraf Qazi, Saeeduz Zafar and Hamid Hassan Butt. Rauf Klasra (

Pervez Musharraf bids to regain power in Pakistan – from London’s clubland

After yesterday’s speeches and slogans, it was unclear where the new party would go. Musharraf announced he was off to Birmingham to drum up more support, but admitted he was unable at present to return to his homeland, where the government is calling for his prosecution for actions taken while in office, and where he faces death threats from jihadist groups. Julian Borger (

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