Thursday, December 9, 2010

WikiLeaks founder arrested,
jailed for sexual misconduct

U.S. response to leaked diplomatic cables the scariest of all

Sexual misconduct? That’s the charge against WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange. Not assault, murder or rape, but rather misconduct. Since when has an “alleged” charge of that nature produced such a worldwide witch hunt? It hasn’t.

WikiLeaks now says it won’t release more cables if the United States curtails legal action. Doesn’t anyone see what the U.S. is doing here? The bullying, the muscling, the threatening someone into silence?

This is a classic example of our U.S. leaders flaunting their power while posing in stark contradiction to our Founding Fathers’ vision. The only thing dangerous about WikiLeaks is the U.S. response to it.

What happened to “without fear of retribution?” I guess our virtues only stretch as far as the U.S. border. Sound familiar?

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