Monday, April 21, 2008

Pakistan born Photographer Wins Pulitzer Prize
Adrees Latif, 34, a Pakistani-by-birth photojournalist has won the Pulitzer prize for his photography for Reuters in Myanmar. Adrees's photograph of the fatal shooting of a fellow journalist, the Japanese videographer Kenji Nagai, won the Pulitzer Prize for breaking news photography. Monks and nuns were under fire for their protests against the Burmese government in 2007 when Latif sneaked in among the fold to document the unrest. Foreign journalists were not allowed inside the country, so the Reuters photographer went without media credentials. Adrees Latif grew up in Houston, where his parents still live. Born in Pakistan, Latif moved to Houston with his family at age 7. Latif worked at The Houston Post, then as a freelancer at the Houston Chronicle, before moving to Los Angeles to work for Reuters. While working in Houston, he earned a degree in journalism from the University of Houston in 1999. He later moved to Bangkok, where he lives with his wife and daughter, covering international news for Reuters

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