Can Interpol Arrest Pervez Musharraf?
Interior Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Rehman Malik said “We have sent a request to the Interpol for the arrest of Pervez Musharraf,” The arrest warrant whichwas handed over to the interior ministry by The deputy FIA Khalid Rasool states that Musharraf should be brought back to Pakistan in order to carry out proceedings against him in the murder probe of former president Benazir Bhutto.
I hope, Mr. Malik would read the operating procedures of INTERPOL before claiming rubbish. Article 3 of INTERPOL’s Constitution enshrines the guiding principle of their neutrality by explicitly forbidding INTERPOL from engaging in matters of political, military, religious and racial character i.e. Interpol CANNOT arrest Musharraf for being it a political matter!INTERPOL will never entertain the insane desires of the Corrupt PPP government. This is a failed attempt to divert discussions of their incompetence and extremely bad governance. What I fail to understand is that such incompetent people are ruling our country and we, as a nation are not waking up.! Almost every statement of our ministers is another joke of the day.!And one may even ask, what problems will be solved by arresting Mussarraf. His foreign policy got us into the mess of War of America, his economic policies brought our country near bankruptcy, he installed practically zero industrial infrastructure, corruption saw its hights during the time, Mishandled the lal Masjid and Bugti episode etc. The PPP government has continued the legacy and added misery to what Mr. Mussarraf bestowed upon us.If the solution lies in arresting Mussarraf, then we need to arrest Mr. Zardari, Mr. Gilani along with offcourse the army chief Mr. Kiyeani and Mr. Shuja Pasha and their predecessor Mr. Nawaz Sharif. They are equally the culprits in severe criminal acts in our beloved land.The solution is clear. Arresting any democratic leader or dictators will not solve the decline that we face today. We need to uproot the system and these traitors from the basis and choose for us our glory i.e. the Caliphate. The caliphate which was defined by Former HP CEO “Carly Fiorina” in one of her major speech on SEPTEMBER 26, 2001. She said “There was once a civilization that was the greatest in the world… Within its dominion lived hundreds of millions of people, of different creeds and ethnic origins… its military protection allowed a degree of peace and prosperity that had never been known.. And this civilization was driven more than anything, by invention.”. Along with the right system, we need a competent leadership which is politically aware of the world around us and is ready to take the leadership of the Pakistani nation in particular and the Muslim Ummah in general.
Hamid Mir’s Column Which Became Cause Behind Arrest Warrant
According to a newspaper, a non-bailable arrest warrant was issued against Hamid Mir. Petitioner has also made chief editor of newspaper a party in this case. On other hand, journalist communities condemned this warrant issue. Petitioner accused that columnist used disdainful words against Pukhtoon.
I am unable to understand, why petitioner took so much time to take decision against Hamid Mir? Is it a pre plan game or anything else? This case also relates to Media code of Ethics and I am sure court knew it.
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